
    Swesif publishes updated sustainability declaration

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    Stockholm (NordSip) – After one year of development, the Swedish sustainable investment forum (Swesif) has published a new version of its sustainability declaration for funds (Hållbarhetsprofilen). The aim of this declaration is to improve clarity and transparency of the fund industry’s sustainability efforts for end-investors.

    Swesif has worked on this project since 2015 with a number of its members, which represent a large portion of the local fund industry. The sustainability declaration has the form of a questionnaire and shows in a simplified way the degree to which a fund has integrated principles of sustainability in its investment process. The new version of the declaration is presented more transparently than the previous one, and allows an easier comparison between different funds.

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    Today, approximately 600 funds, managed by 50 different fund companies, have already filled in the new template of the sustainability declaration. The results are published on and the aim is to publish these declarations also on the fund distribution platforms of Avanza, Folksam, Länsförsäkringar, Movestic, Pensionsmyndigheten, SEB, Skandia and Swedbank as well as on Fondkollen.


    Picture: © wongwean—

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