
    Trump staff warns Prince Charles not to lecture

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    Stockholm (NordSIP) – Prince Charles, an outspoken environmentalist, has apparently been “warned” by members of U.S. President Donald Trump’s staff not to “lecture” the neophyte leader on climate change during an upcoming visit to the UK at the invitation of the Prince’s mother, Queen Elizabeth II. The warning has been issued in case Mr Trump “erupts,” the Sunday Times has reported. The president “won’t put up with being lectured by anyone,” a source close to Mr Trump told the newspaper.

    The issue is threatening to become a diplomatic incident. Prince Charles runs an organic food company, Duchy Originals, and speaks frequently on climate change and global warming. Mr Trump, for his part, denies the existence of climate change, having variously referred to it as a Chinese hoax, a hoax global warming scientists purposely participate in, and other inanities, and has pledged to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement. In character, however, he has also previously claimed climate change is an urgent issue.

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    Mr Trump has reportedly expressed his preference to meet Prince Charles’ sons, Princes William and Harry, instead.

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    Prince Charles, for his part, warned a few days later at a fundraising dinner for the World Jewish Relief charity that the “horrific lessons” of the Holocaust and World War II “seem to be in increasing danger of being forgotten” in what, the Sydney Morning Herald reports, is being interpreted as a veiled reference to the rise of nationalism, populism and President Trump.

    Perhaps Prince Charles should bring this up as well as climate change, which he has termed “the wolf at the door,” if he meets with Mr Trump.


    Picture: (c) ChameleonsEye—

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