Stockholm (NordSIP) – With interest in Socially Responsible Investment and Economic, Social and corporate Governance exploding over the past decade, and academic evidence abounding that responsible investment often has positive effects on performance, why has the hedge fund space been slow to adopt an ESG profile?
HedgeNordic and NordSIP’s latest report, Sustainable Investing in Alternatives, tackles the issue, and finds the Nordics are ahead of the curve. From early adapters active in ESG for years, to managers plotting their first forays into the field across varying strategies with conflicting challenges, the report covers manifold bases of the fusion of sustainable investing with the alternative investments industry.
The report also marks the occasion for the launch of Nordic Business Medias latest venture: NordSIP, the Nordic Sustainable Investment Platform. The platform serves as the information link and connection hub between institutional investors and managers offering sustainable investment products, and as a reference point for the high interest across the asset management spectrum and beyond, viewed from the Nordics.
Download the report here