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Nordea’s Beslik Joins World Economic Forum Expert Network

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Stockholm (NordSIP) – Nordea’s Head of Sustainable Finance Sasja Beslik will be joining the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network, which is comprised of over 5,000 leading global thinkers.

Culling academics, business leaders and professionals from government, international organizations, civil society, the arts and the media, the World Economic Forum is designed to shape the global agenda by facilitating collaboration on distinguished focus points dealing with economies, industries and global issues. The network fosters the environment to ask the relevant questions and perfect decision-making based on the latest research and knowledge.

Sasja Beslik, Head of Sustainable Finance at Nordea

“At Nordea, we are already seeing substantial results as we integrate sustainability further into our core operations, policies and processes,” Mr Beslik said in a press release. “In the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network, we can play a crucial role in the transition to a more sustainable world. It is a platform where we can gain and spread insight, knowledge and best practices among some of the world’s most important influencers. It creates an opportunity for true thought leadership in sustainable finance.”

Mr Beslik has been appointed to the Expert Network as a specialist in the areas of Insurance and Asset Management as well as Sustainable Development. He will be working to integrate sustainability into everything Nordea does as it invests heavily in sustainability and sustainable finance.

Mr Beslik has previously served as Head of Responsible Investment at Nordea Asset Management, CEO of Nordea Funds AB, Global Head of RI & Engagement at Banco/ABN AMRO and as a consultant for the World Bank. He possesses extensive experience bridging risk and opportunity within ESG, creating commercial strategies for integration of ESG issues into asset management, fund companies and products. Mr Beslik is also chairman of UNEP Finance Initiative’s Water Work Group and is a member of the steering committee within the UNPRI on shale gas and water issues.

He was awarded the Order of the Seraphim in 2013 by H.R.H King Carl Gustaf of Sweden for extraordinary efforts in the field of finance and sustainability.

“Part of the transformation of Nordea is to understand the increasing importance of being a responsible corporate citizen and to act upon it. The financial sector has a huge global impact, which is both a great privilege and a great responsibility,” Beslik said. “Imagine what we as a sector can do if we put sustainability at the core of our business. I am very proud that we now have this opportunity to put sustainable finance on the global agenda.”

Nordea is the largest bank in the Nordic region and among the biggest in Europe, therefore exerting a considerable impact on society. Read Nordea’s 2016 Sustainability Report here.

Image courtesy of Nordea

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