Stockholm (NordSIP) – In its recent Corporate Sustainability Report 2016, Analytics Research Company IHS Markit has found that a record $950 million was invested into Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) SRI funds in 2016, with 2017 shaping up to be an even better year for SRI, with $800 million being shifted by investors to SRI funds YTD.
Socially responsible funds now have a combined AUM of over $5.5 billion.
“These large investments come from both sides of the Atlantic, but European investors are more eager to invest with a conscience,” said Simon Colvin, research analyst at Markit. “Interestingly, at the start of 2016, socially responsible ETFs in Europe had half the AUM of their North American counterparts, but Europeans have contributed roughly 60% of the new inflows since then.”
The research, which also ranks compliance to the PRI framework, also shows that investors have not foregone returns in the past five years due to socially responsible strategies, further challenging the myth of either/or thinking on the issue.
Read the report here.