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CDP’s Henningsson Joins Sustainability Consultants GES

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CDP Nordics Project Manager Emma Henningsson has joined the sustainability consultancy Global Engagement Services (GES) International.

Henningsson thereby leaves CDP (formerly Carbon Discloure Project), the international NGO driving sustainable economies through a global disclosure system with a network of investors representing over $100 trillion that enables companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impact. Global Engagement Services International advises clients through norms and sector-based screening and on active ownership engagement to help integrate ESG factors into their investment processes. Henningsson’s new post will be client manager.

“I have followed GES for many years in my role at CDP, and have been very impressed with their work. I look forward to expanding my skills and knowledge of sustainable finance in such a dynamic environment,” Henningsson commented on her new position. “GES screens investors’ portfolios to ensure that they do not violate various international standards – environmental, but also social, such as governance. GES also influences dialogues with companies in violation of international conventions. My new role will mean close contact with a number of clients to ensure they get the most out of our services. In addition, I will represent GES in the Nordic investment network. Through my work with CDP, I already know many of our customers, and it’ll be fun to work on broader sustainability issues with them.”

Asked by’s Lisa Rosengren what other experiences she brings from CDP Henningsson cited her deep knowledge of climate issues, water-related risks and deforestation issues. Henningsson said she looks forward to contributing above all to good relations with investors and to developing a consistent view of the challenges facing investors with different imperatives and subject to different forms of regulation.

“I will deepen my knowledge of details relating to all GES services and assignments,” Henningsson said of her objectives the first few months into her new job. She will also prioritise meeting clients in different countries. “I look forward to working with colleagues in different markets and departments and gaining a deeper understanding of how GES research and engagement departments work,” she said.

(Image: Emma Henningsson profile,

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