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Swedish Pensions: the Year’s Greenest

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Stockholm (NordSIP) – On 5 December, Stockholm-based insurance and savings intermediary Max Matthiessen published its yearly report on the sustainability of Swedish pension funds. This study has become a well known and appreciated tool for customers trying to steer their investments towards greener pastures. It has undoubtedly also contributed to the overall pressure on pension providers to crank up their sustainability gears. Rankings are produced for two different types of services: the traditional life insurance, where the assets in the portfolio can be analysed to establish a sustainability rating, and the self-invested pension providers, where customers can pick and choose among lists of funds. In the second group, the ranks rely on the grade of sustainability of the fund list provided and the degree of sustainability marketing.

At the top of the traditional insurance group, many of last year’s pensions maintain their advance. Even if Max Matthiessen’s analysts have pushed their criteria further, some of the laggers have succeeded in improving their rating. A few remain at the bottom. More specifically, four companies make it into the top ranking “väl godkänt” (pass with merit): AMF, Alecta, SPP and Folksam & KPA. Meanwhile, Nordea Liv & Pension, SEB Trygg Liv Gamla and Kåpan were sanctioned with an “icke godkänt” (fail) mark, leaving SEB Pension & Försäkring, Skandia Liv, Länsförsäkringar Liv and Handelsbanken Liv in the middle, with a passing grade (“godkänt”).

SPP still shines as a lone star at the top of the self-invested pension group, as it is the only company who passed the test with merit. The middle pack with a pass mark comprises Danica, Folksam, Länsförsäkringar Liv, Movestic, SEB Pension & Försäkring, Handelsbanken Liv and Skandia. At the bottom, with a fail mark, we find Nordea again, Swedbank Försäkring and AMF, who earned a top score in the previous group.

Picture ©  Elnur – Shutterstock

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