
    Danish Fund Offers Ecological Investment

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    Stockholm (NordSIP) Several Danish ecological companies are deciding to invest in the spread of organic farming via a public offering made by Denmark’s Ecological Agricultural Fund (Danmarks Økologiske Jordbrugsfond), most recently the organic seed company KP Økofrø based in southern Jutland.

    Shares in the fund are available to all Danes, which will be available until January 31st. The fund has thus far received investments amounting to over DKK 22 million. The fund will be operational by the end of February 2018, and is in the process of finding suitable properties for organic farming.

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    “It is clear that some companies in the ecological industry have begun to realise they can help ensure development they themselves can be a part of through their investments,” said Kim Qvist, director of Danmarks Økologiske Jordbrugsfond. “One can say that with this investment we invest in our own future raw material supply. We saw it with Hanegal, and now we see it with KP Økofrø.”

    Danmarks Økologiske Jordbrugsfond expects to invest in three to five properties over the coming years through its subsidiary Dansk Økojord A/S, with ambitions for larger offerings in the future.

    “As a supplier to the Danish market for seeds, we have the ambition to continue supplying this growing market with quality products,” said KP Økofrø owner Karsten Pedersen. “We can only do that if we take co-responsibility to ensure that good raw materials are present. Therefore, we have chosen to buy shares in DØJ to influence the future and contribute to a good and necessary cause.”

    “Investment can have a broader purpose than just financial returns. Sometimes we have to invest in the future. And a future investment for a more sustainable agricultural production that takes into consideration nature, the environment and the climate while ensuring a generational shift in Danish agriculture is a good return to me,” he added.

    Image: (c) Anna Om – shutterstock





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