
    First to Provide ESG Screening for Private Investors

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    Stockholm (NordSIP) – While the snow falls outside, the Swedish-based investing platform Aktieinvest has taken a decisive step that may change the game for private investors, but ultimately also for society and especially the environment. In a press release, Therese Lundstedt, CEO of Aktieinvest, announces today that her firm is now offering US-based big-data specialist Arabesque’s S-Ray screening as part of its investment tools.

    Citing the WWF, Aktieinvest says that SEK 370 billion (almost €40 billion) of Swedish savings is invested in energy stocks, which are related to fossil fuels. While there are many sustainable fund alternatives available, there has not been much ESG information for those wishing to invest directly in individual stocks. By partnering with Arabesque, Aktieinvest wants to give savers the power to put their money where their convictions lie.

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    Investors’ demand for increased transparency has never been stronger, says Lundstedt (in Swedish). Therefore, a tool such as Arabesque’s S-Ray, which combines big data and machine learning to assess the sustainability of companies worldwide can change the market. Lundstedt wants to make private investments in stocks easier, and she believes that presenting sustainability data in an easy and digital form directly to Aktieinvest’s customers and through its new Sustainability box (HÃ¥llbarhetssparbox), represents two ways to make the world of savings more modern and client-oriented.

    Georg Kell, Chairman of Arabesque and founder of the UN’s Global Compact, is quoted saying that Sweden has long been a leader in sustainable investing and that this partnership represents a decisive step.

    The press release in Swedish is available here.


    Picture © Aktieinvest


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