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DK Mutual Fund Simplifies Responsible Investments

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Stockholm (NordSIP) – Coop Opsparing [Coop Savings], a subsidiary of the Coop amba retail chain, is the latest mutual fund to be launched in Denmark with the objective of offering simplified, accessible and responsible investment solutions.

Coop Opsparing, which sees itself as an alternative to existing mutual funds, was listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange two weeks ago and offers clients three distinct risk profile segments, entitled “brave”, “moderate” and “cautious”, each of which appears independently on the stock exchange.

“There is a need for financial products that are understandable, simple and have lower fees,” said Coop Opsparing chairman Lasse Bolander.

Coop Opsparing invests most of its portfolio in ETF funds, e.g. passive index funds that don’t try to beat the market but follow it instead. These are continuously adjusted so the portfolio composition reflects shares on e.g. the Copenhagen Stock Exchange or the NYSE. Securities are selected based on their ESG ratings, including assessments of sustainability and social responsibility.

Clients thereby obtain shares in thousands of companies while keeping costs low. Money is not used to pay portfolio managers to select individual shares; instead, through the simultaneous investment in thousands of shares, the investment focus is on how the division of shares and bonds determines returns, simultaneously simplifying the investment process for the customer.

Coop Opsparing is owned 100 per cent by investors.

Image: (c) McIek-shutterstock






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