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The Week in Green – August 31st Edition

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Custom-made Strategies, a Marathon and new SEK Record

This week, we caught up with Claudia Stanghellini who went to run a marathon in Kenya last June, inspired by one of the managers AP3 has invested with. She talks about the Safaricom and tells us why wants to go back.

We watched an acquisition by Swiss-based impact boutique responsAbility who purchased an interest in C88, a Fintech firm, focused on facilitating transactions for underserved populations in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Just before the summer, we had the opportunity to meet Cindy Rose from Aberdeen Standard Investments, who shared her throughts about the importance of helping institutions define their ESG strategies. She also expressed interesting concerns about possible unforeseen shifts of power.

After last week’s green bond review, Lars Mac Key from Danske Bank came back with more numbers on the SEK market, as it reached new records. He puts the growth of the SEK market into perspective by looking at the relative expansion of different sectors, especially in real estate.

Heard on E-Street

In Norway, some controversy was sparked by a government-tasked expert commission, which concluded that the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund should stay invested in energy stocks, even though the managers of the fund believe the shares should be sold off (IPE).

Elsewhere, MSCI provides a comprehensive introduction on ESG through a podcast and a series of posts called ESG Foundations.

Famous Last Words

“From a billion pipes, chimneys, flues
a silent army rises
to erase our culture –
not out of malice
but to finish that simple game
we are playing with creation.”

From “Scorched Earth”, by Nick Robins as quoted by Rob Lake in his newsletter

Wishing you an impactful weekend,

Your NordSIP team


Image © Shutterstock

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