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PRI in Question & First Green Equities

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In a recent working paper, two professors from Georgia Institute of Technology and Northwestern University have expressed concerns that a UN PRI membership’s main benefit is the increased business flow rather than improved ESG performance. We asked a representative from the PRI to respond to the critiques.

Also critical, the Transition Pathways Initiative’s (TPI) latest briefing on the carbon performance of European integrated oil and gas companies shows the industry still has a long way to go before it can make claims of alignment with below 2°C scenarios.

We also caught up with Jonas Skattum Svegaarden, who recently took the helm of Katapult Ocean as CEO. He shares his passion for the ocean and tells us why the pandemic has proven unexpectedly positive for the fund.

In a flurry of launches, this week,we talked to Arnaud Llinas, Head of Lyxor ETF & Indexing who commented on a recent launch of five new thematic ETFs focusing on the investment megatrends reshaping the globe. We also noted that Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) came out with the new UBAM – Positive Impact Emerging Equity fund, which will hold 35–45 high-conviction strong growth listed emerging market stocks that can make a measurable social and environmental impact.

Meanwhile, Nasdaq introduced the Nasdaq ESG Footprint, a new service to provide banks and institutional investors the ability to help their clients track ESG impact. Also this week, real estate company K2A launched a Green Equity Framework, the first such framework in the world, widening the scope of green financing from green bonds to ‘green equity‘.

Danish pension provider PFA, joined the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, a UN-backed initiative of institutional investors committed to the 1.5°C Paris Climate scenario and to achieving zero net carbon emissions by 2050. Last but not least, Swedish pension fund AMF invested SEK114.5 million in engineering company Haldex, following up on its earlier promise to support Swedish companies through the COVID19 pandemic.


Photo by @mishmarshmallow via Twenty20

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