Sustainable Investing – A Look Into the Institutional Investor Mindset (MFS)

To create value responsibly for investors, MFS must understand the unique challenges institutional investors face, the objectives they’re trying to achieve and the way they think about asset management. Now in its fifth year of publication, the MFS Institutional Investor CompassSM survey continues to provide a lens into the mindset of these institutional decision-makers — summarizing their views and sentiment towards asset allocation, the role of active management, product/strategy implementation and a variety of other timely issues. The survey reports on the responses from over 500 of the largest institutional investors in North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

A look into the institutional investor mindset

In the current economic environment, even the strongest companies face challenges from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps now more than ever, understanding the factors that could have a material impact on a company’s sustainability will play a role in investment decision-making. How do institutional investors view sustainable investing? In a recent Compass survey, we took a closer look at how organizations are approaching sustainable investing and what they might expect to get out of it.


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