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Alecta Channels Millions to Sustainable Infrastructure

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Stockholm (NordSIP) – Alecta, a Swedish pension provider with approximately €90 billion assets under management (AUM), announced it has invested as much as €620 million in sustainable infrastructure since the beginning of 2020.

The funds were channelled to these projects via three different funds, two of which have a global focus while the other is concentrated on European investments. At the end of 2019, Alecta committed €100 million to the core-fund Allianz European Infrastructure Fund, a European closed-ended structure with a focus on energy, telecom, transportation and social infrastructure. In April 2020, Alecta committed €250 million to the value-add fund Antin Infrastructure Partners IV, a global closed-ended structure with focus on energy, telecom, transportation and social infrastructure. On the 30th of June 2020, Alecta committed to investing US$300 million in another undisclosed fund with a focus on infrastructure.

“Sustainability is integrated in the funds, both in the investment process and the management. The assets have a long-term sustainability strategy and distinct criteria for exclusion, that fits well with Alecta’s own criteria. Our high sustainability standards have made us exclude several other managers,” says Frans Heijbel, Head of International Real Assets at Alecta.

“These are three large, scalable investments within infrastructure that gives Alecta’s clients the opportunity of good return. The size and scalability contribute to cost efficiency and diversity,” says Axel Brändström, CIO Real Assets at Alecta.

“The funds we have invested in are all managed by well-reputed firms in international infrastructure with long and successful track-records. The fact that we can close large investments with them proves that we have the capability to grow our assets within infrastructure in the pace and quality that our high set goals for sustainability, asset allocation, financial return and cost efficiency requires,” Heijbel adds.

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