In 2020, impact opportunities are easier to find and more accessible than ever for asset owners. The definitions are clearer, the goals are tangible and the financial performance delivers on target. Impact has earned its space in institutional allocations.
In this edition of NordSIP Insights, we talked to ten experts, from asset owner to asset manager, from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and beyond to understand what impact in practice means.
For those in need of inspiration, we have on offer a new vision of capitalism, a journey into impact, a call to reshaping the future and the elevation of “S” in ESG. Digging into the fundamentals, we propose an overview of impact measurement, the practical implementation of impact by an asset owner and Social Investments for dummies. Last but not least, we explore three particular strategies: MDB bonds, microfinance and the opportunities behind sustainable food in Asia.
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1. the editor’s word: Aurora borealis no more
2. A Defining Moment for a Big Reset by Hans Stegeman, Triodos Investment Management
3. Impact Management, Measurement and Reporting by Johanna Raynal, Swedfund
4. The Elevation of the Social Dimension of ESG by Guillaume Mascotto, American Century Investments
5. The Call of Impact, an interview with Malene Bason ATRIUM Kapitalförvaltning
6. Easy Impact for Asset Owners, an interview with Peter Lööw, Alecta
7. Impact Investing: A key Role to Play in Reshaping the Future by Ingrid Kukuljan, Federated Hermes
8. Social Investments for Dummies, an interview with Irene Mastelli, Maloja Advisory
9. MDB Bonds: Impact and Safety During the Pandemic by Filipe Albuquerque
10. A Path to Impact for Conscientious Investors, an interview with Magdalena Lönnroth, The Church Pension Fund (Finland)
11. Tackling Sustainable Food Investments in Asia – Financial Return and Impact Potential, an interview with Rik Vyverman, responsAbility