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What’s the Rush?

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This week, our Snap column provides an overview of the polarised feedback on the EU Social Taxonomy and questions the somewhat sneaky timing of it all. Meanwhile, Swedbank Robur launched a new Climate Impact fund classified as “dark green” (Article 9).

The Bank of Finland was the latest institution to jump onboard the net-zero train, committing to reaching carbon neutrality at the latest by 2050. South of the Nordics, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) found that disclosures by Dutch funds about sustainability risks and sustainability characteristics is often too general.

Elsewhere, The Asian Development Bank and BlueOrchard signed a US$50 million risk-sharing agreement to expand microfinance coverage in ADB’s developing member countries. Also this week, credit rating agency Fitch Group, launched Sustainable Fitch, a new product through which the company will offer ESG Ratings at both an entity and instrument level for all asset classes globally. Another ESG-rater, MSCI announced the appointment of Melissa McDonald as Global Head of ESG and Climate Indexes.

In Citywire‘s Alpha Female report published this week, we’re disappointed to see the Nordic countries quite far down the list, in terms of percentage of funds run by women managers or mixed teams. Meanwhile, SRI influencer and author Sasja Beslik is leaving J. Safra Sarasin where he was Head of Sustainable Finance Development.

In the spirit of promoting scientific solutions to accelerate the transition, AXA Investment Managers launched the “AXA IM Climate Transition Award” recognising the key role of research in the fight against global warming, for which it is calling for self-nominations from researchers all around the world.


Picture credit: Felix Mittermeier on Pixabay

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