
    Finsif Publishes Responsible Investing Guide (in English)

    Leila Räsänen, Operations Coordinator
    Finsif, Finland's Sustainable Investment Forum

    Responsible investing Guide by Finsif is available now in English

    Let´s face it-there are many sources of information, articles, podcasts, events, publications linked to responsible investing. However, Responsible Investing Guide by  Finland´s Sustainable Investment Forum, Finsif is targeted to all interested the topic, providing clear frames to dive into the theme. This English translation (original version came out in Finnish in 2021), has been produced with a large group of authors and stakeholders varying from NGOs, to our member organizations (asset managers, asset owners, other members) as well as other long-term responsible investment specialists.

    The guide includes main ingredients to comprehend the theme itself without forgetting case examples and a list of links for further discoveries on responsible investing.

    DOWNLOAD here

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    For more information
    Leila Räsänen
    Operations Coordinator, Finsif, Finland’s Sustainable Investment Forum

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