Stockholm (NordSIP) – The Swedish CFA Society’s Annual Forecast Dinner has become a firmly established tradition to look forward to, despite being disrupted by the pandemic for a couple of years. On 25 May 2023, the accredited financial analysts gathered again in Stockholm to summarise a successful year, exchange ideas, and, last but not least, celebrate sustainable excellence.
As customary at the dinner, the Society officially announced the CFA Sweden ESG Award, which recognises an individual, organisation or group that has raised awareness of the importance of ESG considerations in the investment process. For 2022, the honour was presented to ChemSec – the International Chemical Secretariat.
Founded in 2002, independent non-profit organisation ChemSec engages the work of chemists, political scientists, business experts and communicators who advocate for substituting toxic chemicals for safer alternatives. “We do this because these substances represent one of the biggest and most serious threats to our health and environment. And because we know that change is possible,” explains ChemSec’s website. “Through independent research, cross-border collaboration and practical tools, we are driving the development of more progressive chemicals legislation and pushing businesses towards the transition to non-toxic alternatives. And the more people who work towards the same goal, the quicker this process will be.”
“ChemSec is awarded the CFA Sweden ESG Award for bringing the important topic of hazardous chemicals to the table of the wider investment community,” says John Howchin, Co-Chair of CFA Society Sweden’s ESG Committee, upon announcing the award. “ESG and the responsibilities of the Chemicals sector is a complicated topic for many investors,” he explains. “ChemSec has for many years scrutinised the sector in a professional manner and shone a much-needed light on chemicals and risks associated with them. It was not until the investment community was invited to join the campaign against poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also called “forever chemicals”, that ChemSec and its work became known in wider circles,” adds Howchin.
Upon receiving the CFA Sweden ESG Award, ChemSec joins a distinguished group of organisations and individuals who have all contributed significantly to promoting sustainable investing, and continue to do so. Previous recipients of the honorary award include Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute and Ulf Erlandsson, Norrsken Foundation and Sasja Beslik, among others.