
    Enhancing farmland value through sustainable improvements

    Manulife Investment Management
    Oliver S. Williams IV, CFA, Global Head of Agriculture Investments
    Holly Evers, Senior Environmental Certification and Stewardship Specialist
    Brent McGowan, Managing Director, Global Head of Agricultural Operations

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    Sustainable agriculture can promote healthier and more diverse farmland ecosystems while aiming to enhance efficiency and profitability.

    As a leader in the agriculture investment industry, we recognize the magnitude of our industry’s responsibility to preserve natural resources and we’re proud of our role in protecting the ability of these resources to provide for both investors and the local community while meeting the world’s most fundamental needs.

    Key messages:

    • Since arable land is finite, the needs of a growing global population require that we increase productivity while maintaining a sustainable approach to agricultural production.
    • Our agriculture business focuses on soil health and resource conservation, which are critical for long-term productivity.
    • We protect the natural resources entrusted to us by managing them sustainably and embracing agricultural innovations that support value for investors and the environment.


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