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The big questions of thematic investing

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Sustainability has become a buzzword that raises questions. What do we mean by ‘green’, ‘ethical’, ‘ESG’, ‘responsible’, and ‘impact’?

As the investment industry grapples with this relatively new investment theme, the fundamentals of why investors are buying responsible investments in the first place have been misplaced, as well as what they should be expected to deliver and how fund managers can best go about delivering these commitments.

In their latest paper, our Environmental Strategies Group addresses the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ that arguably make environmental strategies investing in enablers, reliant upon to deliver materially positive environmental outcomes that help facilitate net zero.

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Manulife Investment Management
Oliver S. Williams IV, CFA, Global Head of Agriculture Investments
Holly Evers, Senior Environmental Certification and Stewardship Specialist
Brent McGowan, Managing Director, Global Head of Agricultural Operations