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Nordic Institutional Investors Seek Natural Capital Strategies

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Stockholm (NordSIP) – Global Fund Search (GFS) has published a request for proposals (RFP) according to which Jenzten & Partners is searching for global natural capital strategies for one or more Nordic institutional investors. The application deadline is on January 27, 2025.

According to the RFP, the asset manager should be a signatory to the UN PRI. Natural capital will be part of the client(s) ‘ long-term investment portfolio. The USD28 million mandate is to be allocated to multiple asset managers focusing on forestry/timberland and agriculture, either as separate sleeves (preferred, e.g. pure forestry) or in blended funds. Indicative allocation guidelines request submissions of both open-ended and closed-end products. The institutional investor is open to both global and regional strategies.

The search will be conducted in three phases. First, all managers are invited to reply to this RFP. 2. Based on a review of the incoming replies, managers may then be invited to answer additional questions (product-specific). The last step of the process includes a final due diligence assessment and selection. Applicants are requested to upload performance data to the GFS platform.

This RFP is a reverse solicitation process, as described under relevant regulations such as AIFMD, MiFID II, and MiFIR. In such a process the investor (utilizing GFS as an agent) independently and proactively initiates the inquiry with the intention to either invest in or receive initial information about public and private markets products, including Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) or their AIFMs. This also applies to investment services or activities and financial instruments associated with these entities. GFS maintains proper documentation (‘paper trail’) and can provide such records upon request by regulatory authorities.

GFS is also advertising a GBP75 million “LP Explorer” focusing on Natural Capital running until January 23rd, 2025.

Any interested parties are welcome to contact GFS for support, in case they have any questions.


Image courtesy of marcelkessler from Pixabay

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