Stockholm (NordSIP) – Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) technologies remain contentious in the eyes of many environmental campaigners. This may stem from their...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - Climate change presents a number of challenges to modern society the world over. As weather volatility increases and economies race to...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - Analysts have warned against the risk of inflation since central banks engaged in large quantitative easing exercises in the aftermath of...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - The first step in understanding how climate change affects price dynamics is to consider its direct effects before engaging with second-order...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - Between taxonomies, principles, hubs, alliances and partnerships, the jargon permeating sustainable finance and the abundance of new ideas can often obscure...
In this Simply Said series on biodiversity, we have sought to identify the scale and significance of the problem, understand nature-related risks in investors’...
The question on many people’s minds is whether current food systems can meet humanity’s future nutritional demands. People can be fed, but whether they can be fed sustainably and maintain a healthy lifestyle depends on a major transformation of the food industry.
Stockholm (NordSIP) – In the first of our series of articles on biodiversity and natural capital, we reminded ourselves of the basic concepts involved...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - Beyond environmental and safety concerns, the main criticism levied against nuclear energy is the need for state intervention at several levels. In...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - Nuclear proliferation, environmental and public health concerns create a need for the establishment of well-regulated nuclear waste management processes, particularly when...
While nuclear energy is considered by many as a solution to climate change, particularly where CO2 emissions are concerned, the spread inherent to this...
Stockholm (NordSIP) – Safety has been a longstanding concern surrounding nuclear power. The accidents at Three Mile Island (USA - 1979), Chernobyl (USSR/Ukraine - 1986)...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - The role of nuclear energy in the energy transition remains mired by controversy. In Europe, the issue remains politically charged and continues...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - To boil water, nuclear power plants (NPPs) use fission to split atoms, which releases the energy binding neutrons and protons together...
Across the globe, governments are setting more and more ambitious targets for carbon reduction. The European Union is aiming to be carbon neutral by...
For responsible investors, the question of whether short selling is a practice they should shun or embrace remains as unclear as always. The arguments...
Stockholm (NordSIP) – Asset managers who propose environmentally friendly investment products often argue that one of their contributions to a less carbon-intensive economy is...
Stockholm (NordSIP) - “Additionality is a real increase in social value that would not have occurred in the absence of the intervention being appraised,”...
Low-carbon indices are becoming a fixture on the investment landscape, as the intensifying drive to address climate change compels investors to address risks entailed...