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Private Equity

BlueOrchard Aims for Financial Inclusion

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Founded in 2001 as an initiative of the UN, BlueOrchard became the first commercial manager of microfinance debt investments worldwide. Fast forward...

Bitterling Finds His Perfect Match

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Private equity firms are no longer exempt from the scrutiny of ESG-aware professional investors. Increasingly, they see the need to up their...

IIGCC Shines Light on PE Blind Spot

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) launched on 2 February new comprehensive guidance to help private equity on the...

Summa Adds Billions to Private Equity 4.0

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Launched in 2016, Stockholm-based private-equity firm Summa Equity invests in companies contributing to solving the global challenges identified in the UN...

Idun to Combine Growth with Sustainability

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Specialist growth-equity investor firm Verdane reported earlier this month that they are closing Idun I, Europe’s largest growth impact fund to date,...

EMPEA Report Identifies PE Role in Boosting SDGs

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Private Equity’s Role in Delivering the SDGs: Current Approaches and Good Practice, a new report from EMPEA, the global industry association...

Nordic Capital takes sustainable stake in Nordax Bank

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Nordic Capital, the private equity investor with approximately €10bn in AUM focused on building stronger sustainable companies covering the Nordic region,...

Infranode Invests SEK 100M in Renewable Energy Firm Eneo

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Infranode, the Sweden-based investment platform with a focus on long-term investments in infrastructure in the Nordics, has announced it has invested...

“Shower of the Future” Receives Zennström Boost

Stockholm (NordSIP) - As previously reported, Niklas Zennström, cofounder and former CEO of Skype and one of the world’s foremost “Angel Investors” via his $1...

Skype Founder On Lookout For Sustainable Start-ups

Stockholm (NordSIP) Skype founder Niklas Zennström is betting on a  convergence of the future of the tech industry with the preservation of  the environment...