

Exploring Nordic Ocean Opportunities

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Covering three-quarters of the surface of our planet, oceans are crucial for life on Earth. They help regulate the climate, provide...

Is NBIM Failing its own Climate Action Plan?

Stockholm (NordSIP) - With the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015 and the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable investments...

AP4 and Invesco Highlight Climate Metrics

Stockholm (NordSIP) -Given the evolving climate reporting landscape and the wide and complex range of metrics available to investors, environmental disclosures remain a topic...

Stamdata and Datia Partner for Better Financial Data

Stockholm (NordSPI) - One of the most often repeated concerns of financial experts regarding their ability to productively contribute to the transition agenda is...

Share of Women on Boards Slightly Down

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Since 2003 AP2 has conducted an annual survey to determine the proportion of women at middle management level, in executive positions...

AP4 Bets on Sustainability Themes

Stockholm (NordSIP) -  While some responsible institutional investors are busy debating the pros and cons of divestment vs. engagement, others focus on driving positive...

FTN Selects 6 European Art. 8 Equity Funds

Stockholm (NordSIP) - On March 25th, the Swedish Fund Selection Agency (Fondtorgsnämnden or FTN) awarded procurement agreements for actively managed European large/mid cap equity...

Swedish FSA Inspects Taxonomy Implementation

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The EU’s Taxonomy Regulation, the pioneering classification system defining sustainable economic activities and one of the cornerstones of the union’s Action...

Norwegian Exclusions

NordSIP (Stockholm) - Public exclusion remains one of the most efficient ways for investors to influence companies that do not listen to their sustainability...

Sweden Has a Plan

NordSIP (Stockholm) - Just before Christmas, on 21 December, the Swedish government presented the country’s new climate action plan. Eagerly anticipated, the plan has...

Who Gets the Green Light by Söderberg & Partners?

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Swedish consultancy Söderberg & Partners has been reviewing the sustainability performance of the country’s largest pension funds annually for ten years...

Norway’s Parliament Endorses Deep-Sea Mining

Stockholm (NordSIP) – On 5 December, after weeks of intense negotiations, Norway’s centre-left government announced that it had reached an agreement with opposition parties...

Danish Pension Funds’ Fossil Fuel Dilemma

Stockholm (NordSIP) - A recently published paper by ActionAid Denmark (Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke) has reignited the debate over Danish pension funds’ investments in fossil fuel companies....

PKA Invests in Sustainable Swaps

Stockholm (NordSIP) - According to a press release by Osmosis Investment Management, Danish pension provider PKA has invested approximately US$1 billion in a new swap...

Swedish AP Funds Under Scrutiny, Again

Stockholm (NordSIP) – On 23 October, the Swedish government announced the launch of a new investigation into the governing activities of the National Pension Funds...

AP3 Tackles Human Rights

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Since establishing a dedicated sustainability team and appointing Fredric Nyström as Head of Sustainability and Governance in May 2022, the Third Swedish...

Varma’s Emission Targets Validated by SBTi

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Nordic institutional investors continue to lead the way in aligning their emission reduction goals with the Paris Agreement objectives through the...

Swedish Watchdog Takes on Greenwashing

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Regulators and supervisors worldwide are ramping up their efforts to curb greenwashing in the financial sector and increase asset managers’ accountability....

AMF in Latest Northvolt Funding Round

Stockholm (NordSIP) - According to the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario, for the world to meet climate and sustainable energy goals, close to 10 000 gigawatt-hours of...

Danske Bank in Nuclear Hot Water?

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Following reports from Danish financial media, NordSIP has confirmed that Danske Bank is listed as part of an international group of...

Swesif Reshuffles at the Top

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Swesif, Sweden’s Sustainable Investment Forum, held its Annual General Meeting on 29 March, summarising another busy and eventful year. As the...

If we all Consumed Resources Like Denmark and Finland

Stockholm (NordSIP) - This week marked “country overshoot day” for Denmark (March 28th) and Finland (March 31st), according to an estimate published by the Global...

SFSA Outlines the Rules of the Game

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The team of fund-selection experts that was assembled last year at the Swedish Fund Selection Agency (SFSA), aka Fondtorsnämnden (FTN), is...

Swedish Sustainability Profile Unveils Revamped Version

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Among local sustainability declarations for funds, Hållbarhetsprofilen (HP) is a true veteran. First created in 2011, the sustainability profile of choice...

Voting Matters at Nordea

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The latest edition of ShareAction’s report on asset managers’ engagement efforts, Voting Matters 2022, is out now. The authors examine how...

Green Light for Folksam and Futur

Stockholm (NordSIP) – On 24 January, Söderberg & Partners published their eagerly awaited annual report, Sustainable Unit-Linked Insurance 2023 (in Swedish). The analysis has become...

Finsif Welcomes New Board Members

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Finland’s Sustainable Investment Forum (Finsif) started the new year with a renewed and reinvigorated Board of Directors. At a general meeting...

NIB Invests in Finnish Energy Efficiency

Stockholm (NordSIP) – According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global CO2 emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes reached 36.3 gigatonnes (Gt) in...

Eurosif Gains Two Nordic Members

Stockholm (NordSIP) - The rapidly evolving European sustainable regulation landscape poses challenges for the investment industry in navigating and meeting such a complex set...

Ilmarinen Launches Biodiversity Roadmap

Stockholm (NordSIP) - As NordSIP has repeatedly noted throughout the year, biodiversity has quickly risen to the forefront of sustainable considerations, not least thanks...

KLP Excludes American Refugee Reception Companies

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Although exclusions tends to be seen as the most basic approach to sustainable investment, some industries and companies can reveal themselves...

NBIM Has a Plan, a Climate Action Plan

Stockholm (NordSIP) – As sovereign wealth management funds go, Norway’s trillion-dollar Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), managed by Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), is right...

Board Reshuffle at Mistra

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Since its inception in 1993, Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, has been a driving force for high-quality, innovative...

Nordic Pension Providers Top Pension Transparency Benchmark

Stockholm (NordSIP) - One of the main tenets of sustainable investing is that transparency and accountability lead to better investment outcomes. In this spirit,...