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The laundromat

Time for a Chemical Portfolio Audit

Remember plucky paralegal Erin Brockovich taking the Pacific Gas and Electric Company to the proverbial cleaners for contaminating the groundwater in Hinkley, California for...

Bioplastics and California Dreamin’

The plastic-obsessed Laundromat is always on the lookout for some good news on the ongoing crisis involving the ubiquitous but highly damaging material.  This...

EVs, Treacle, and FUD

The journey towards sustainability is like wading through treacle.  As Al Gore, António Guterres and Fatih Birol keep loudly reminding us, the world has...

Quintet of Climate Hypocrites

It is July and things are relatively quiet in NordSIP’s hometown of Stockholm.  However, before long the ESG train will begin rolling again once...

Godfathers of Climate Chaos

Is United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres a NordSIP subscriber?  Has he actually been reading all these Laundromat rants against greenwashing and climate denial?  We...

Gangster Tactics on Plastics

Bringing the bad guys into the room to help solve a problem can sometimes work.  There are many instances of reformed gangsters successfully working...

ExxonMobil Picks a Fight With Church

ExxonMobil has responded to a shareholder resolution on plastics with an astonishing attack on the filer and arguably the entire concept of shareholder democracy. ...

Fossil Facilitators Face Fury

This week the Laundromat was tempted to publish a blank page signifying its speechlessness in the face of ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods’ assertion that...

Corporate Swindles Repeated (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a nice concept.  Companies make their money providing useful goods and services while being fine corporate citizens, taking care...

Swift Solution to the Climate Crisis

“World's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit” reads the BBC News headline this morning.  Perhaps just as troubling are the two hyperlinks...

What Evil Lurks in Your ESG-Screened Portfolio?

The Laundromat has disappeared down a plastic-bottled-mineral-water rabbit hole. It started with plastic waste.  As the world focuses on reducing fossil fuel use in the...

Still, Sparkling or Plastic?

Another year, and Laundromat’s war against all things greenwashing continues.  Last year we explored bogus carbon neutrality claims, sportswashing and the impressive efforts of...

Would You Like Fossil Fuels With That?

COP28 began today, Thursday 30 November with what seemed like a significant success.  The Loss and Damage fund moved from abstract concept towards reality,...

IEA Hammers Big Oil With Hard Facts

NordSIP’s Laundromat listened attentively to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) webcast today, 23 November 2023, during which they perfectly encapsulate the absurd dilemma of...

Put your Money Where your Mouth is!

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Here we go again.  The familiar whiff of panic, the series of last-minute preparatory meetings, and the persistent disagreements over fundamental...

Seriously Off-Piste with Skiing

Stockholm (NordSIP) – As the nights draw in and the temperature finally drops to something closer to normal autumnal levels, one might start looking...

Whistleblowers v Greenwashers

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Deutsche Bank’s asset management subsidiary DWS has just been hit with a USD 19 million fine by the US Securities and...

UK’s Climate Clowncar Crash

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Satire is dead.  Neither The Thick of It nor Yes Minister can compete with the outstanding level of comedy writing demonstrated...

Well Done Everyone: Planet Boundaries Smashed!

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Some four years ago this Laundromat was busy reading academic materials and watching TED talks about the concept of planetary boundaries,...

Oil Firm CEOs Cannot Count to 3

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Could it really be that oil company executives cannot count to three?  The Greenhouse (GHG) Protocol divides harmful emission into three...

The Magical Money Tree

Stockholm (NordSIP) – This week NordSIP spent some time perusing a new Stanford University study that highlights the huge barriers to entry faced by...

EU Nature Law Battles On

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The EU’s beleaguered Nature Restoration Law (NRL) struggled on this week, slightly punch drunk but still standing and staggering on towards...

FIFA’s Greenwashing Red Carded

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Laundromat's greenwashing detector started flashing wildly back in November 2022 in the run up to the Qatar football World Cup.  Bold...

The Pensions Are Revolting!

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Greenrinse (ɡriːn rɪns) – verb: The practice of adjusting previously set sustainability targets when it becomes clear that they will not...

Climate Engagement: How Slow is Too Slow?

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Engagement.  This is the magic word used to justify keeping massive greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters in institutional portfolios.  In theory, shareholders...

Getting Arrested at COP28

Stockholm (NordSIP) – There are just 90 seconds left on the doomsday clock, and the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...

Miami Vice

Stockholm (NordSIP) – With Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber, the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company at the helm for the upcoming COP28 climate...

Ethical XXX Highlights Fund Naming Chaos

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Headline writers and social media attention-seekers had a field day this week, when they found out to their delight that a...

Ditch the Collagen, The Planet Will Thank You

Stockholm (NordSIP) – In December 2022 the European Union (EU) announced plans for a new regulation on deforestation-free supply chains.  This will put the...

Spotlight on Creative Industry’s Fossil Fuel Work

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Investors are becoming increasingly wary of investing in companies that actively lobby behind the scenes against climate change action, while publicly...

Forest 500 face the Axe From Portfolios

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Environmental non-profit Global Canopy’s (GC) latest annual report paints a sorry picture of the global efforts to limit deforestation on the...

Self-styled Climate Leaders’ Dismal F-Score Report

Stockholm (NordSIP) – At COP27 last December, the UN-sponsored High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities presented the results...


Stockholm (NordSIP) – Here at NordSIP we assiduously cover the steady stream of COP meetings that come up, looking to report on any significant...

How to Earn $100 Billion in Just 12 Months

Stockholm (NordSIP) – “Creating sustainable solutions that improve quality of life and meet society’s evolving needs.”  Who would have thought that ExxonMobil had such...

Rumble in the Jungle Over Carbon Offsets

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Carbon offsets are controversial.  If constructed, managed and implemented properly they can make a lot of sense.  A greenhouse gas (GHG)...