Institutional Investor Profile

Afa Försäkring

Assets under management

SEK million
EUR million equivalent²

Externally managed Asset Classes3

Listed assets

Private assets

Membership / Signatory

PRI, Swesif


Afa För­säkring is an insurance company owned by Sweden's labour market parties: the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and The Council for Negotiation and Co-operation (PTK). The company insures employees within the private sector, municipalities and county councils. Afa För­säkring does not seek to generate a profit, which implies that no dividends are paid to the shareholders. Currently, the number of individuals covered by at least one insurance is in excess of five million and the company counts approximately 670 employees. Afa Försäkring also supports research and claims-prevention activities both through financial grants (currently amounting to about 150 million SEK) and by offering access to their claims database.

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Approximate figure collected on the company's website on 29 April 2024

2 Converted to EUR as of the date of the AUM - Source: XE Historical exchange rates

3 Asset classes where the organisation has selected or is in the process of selecting external managers. The organisation may not be currently seeking additional mandates in those asset classes.

Source(s) for asset class information:
Source: PRI Transparency report 2023

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The information provided herein is targeted at professional investors only and should not be construed as marketing information. All information displayed is based on public information and/or provided by the company. NordSIP and its published Big Green Tree Media do not guarantee the accuracy of the data nor bears any responsibility in relation to the use of the data provided herein.

Institutional Investor Profile


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