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Institutional Investor Profile



Assets under management

SEK million
EUR million equivalent²

Externally managed Asset Classes3

Listed assets

Private assets & alternative investments

Membership / Signatory

PRI, Climate Action 100+, Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Swesif


Alecta is a mutual life insurance and occupational pension company was founded in 1917 under the name Sveriges Privatanställdas Pensionskassa (SPP). Today, Alecta manages the occupational pensions of 2.6 million private individuals and 35,000 companies in Sweden. One of Alecta's key priorities is low fees and therefore works exclusively with occupational pensions that are agreed collectively, and in particular with the ITP, which is the pension plan for private-sector salaried employees. In addition, Alecta remains a mutual insurance company, hence customer-owned, and the aim is to return any surplus to them. Alecta also has one of the lowest fees in the industry at 0.09% of managed capital, with a cap of SEK 600 per year.

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Information collected on 2 May 2024

2 Converted to EUR as of the date of the AUM - Source: XE Historical exchange rates

3 Asset classes where the organisation has selected or is in the process of selecting external managers. The organisation may not be currently seeking additional mandates in those asset classes.

Source(s) for asset class information:
Source: company annual report, PRI transparency report

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The information provided herein is targeted at professional investors only and should not be construed as marketing information. All information displayed is based on public information and/or provided by the company. NordSIP and its publisher Big Green Tree Media do not guarantee the accuracy of the data nor bear any responsibility in relation to the use of the data provided herein.

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