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Institutional Investor Profile

AP7 (Sjunde AP-Fonden)


Assets under management

SEK million
EUR million equivalent²

Externally managed Asset Classes3

Listed assets

Private assets & alternative investments

Membership / Signatory

PRI, Climate Action 100+, Swesif


Sjunde AP-fonden (Seventh AP Fund - AP7) is a government agency which, since the inception of the premium pension system in 2000, has the task of managing premium pension funds for the Swedish people. AP7 is the only state actor in the premium pension system and provide the AP7 Såfa fund portfolio. AP7 Såfa is the default alternative for premium pension savers, which means that investors are automatically assigned to AP7 Såfa unless they actively choose a commercial fund provider.

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28/03/2024 - Total AuM is the sum of the AP7 Equity and Fixed Income funds.

2 Converted to EUR as of the date of the AUM - Source: XE Historical exchange rates

3 Asset classes where the organisation has selected or is in the process of selecting external managers. The organisation may not be currently seeking additional mandates in those asset classes.

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