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Axfoundation is an independent, non-profit organisation that works concretely for a sustainable society. The foundataion believes in entrepreneurship as a force for change and in collaborations with relevant partners. Currently, Axfoundation counts 300 partners, with whom they intend to tackle practical issues related to "the things we buy, the food we eat and the resources we use." Together with partners, Axfoundation often seeks external funding for innovation projects and channels these funds to researchers and other actors to enable cutting-edge research and practical solutions. In the projects, Axfoundation contributes both time, expertise and own funding. This way of working creates the potential for transformative solutions that extend far beyond Axfoundation's own borders. Axfoundation is part of the Axel Johnson group, a company owned by the Axel Johnson family for 150 years. It includes large ownership stakes in Axfood (the company which manages a large share of Sweden's largest supermarket chains with Hemköp and Willys) and other companies in catering, retail electronics and solar energy, among other sectors.

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As far as we could tell , the goal of Axfoundation is not to manage assets but to fund projects and therefore assets under management are not available.

2 Converted to EUR as of the date of the AUM - Source: XE Historical exchange rates

3 Asset classes where the organisation has selected or is in the process of selecting external managers. The organisation may not be currently seeking additional mandates in those asset classes.

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