Assets under management
€204 billion
Asset Classes Available1
Membership / Signatory
PRI, Climate Action 100+, Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
SFDR Categories available2
Founded in 1929, Robeco is an international active asset manager focusing on a combination of fundamental, sustainable and quantitative investment strategies. Headquartered in Rotterdam, we operate across the globe. We generate return on investment for our clients, contributing to economic stability in the form of, for example, pension payments and investments in companies that generate employment. With our research-centric approach we simultaneously aim to take part in addressing the societal challenges of our time, such as climate change, biodiversity and social equality.
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as of September 2024, source: Robeco
1 Asset Classes available in at least one of the Nordic countries (incl. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) to institutional investors and/or private investors
2 SFDR categories available in at least one of the Nordic countries (incl. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) to retail investors.
This information refers only to general information about Robeco Holding B.V. and/or its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies, (“Robeco”), Robeco's approach, strategies and capabilities. This content is solely intended for professional investors, defined as investors qualifying as professional clients, who have requested to be treated as professional clients or who are authorized to receive such information under any applicable laws. Unless otherwise stated, the data and information reported is sourced from Robeco, is, to the best knowledge of Robeco, accurate at the time of publication and comes without any warranties of any kind. Any opinion expressed is solely Robeco’s opinion, it is not a factual statement, and is subject to change, and in no way constitutes investment advice. This content is intended only to provide an overview of Robeco's approach and strategies. It is not a substitute for a prospectus or any other legal document concerning any specific financial instrument. The data, information, and opinions contained herein do not constitute and, under no circumstances, may be construed as an offer or an invitation or a recommendation to make investments or divestments or a solicitation to buy, sell, or subscribe for financial instruments or as financial, legal, tax, or investment research advice or as an invitation or to make any other use of it. All rights relating to the information in this content are and will remain the property of Robeco. No part of this document may be reproduced, or published in any form or by any means without Robeco's prior written permission.