
    Active SRI

    Stewart Investors Global Emerging Markets Leaders Fund

    In Short Strategy description The Fund seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies which both contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development, achieving...

    Stewart Investors Indian Subcontinent Sustainability Fund

    In Short Strategy description The Fund seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies which both contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development, achieving...

    Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability Fund

    In Short Strategy description The Fund seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies which both contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development, achieving...

    BMO Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity Copy

    In Short Strategy description Coupled with engagement efforts, we aim to generate strong long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in high-quality companies that help address sustainable development...

    BMO Responsible Euro Corporate Bond Fund Copy

    In Short Strategy description Managed actively on a bottom-up basis and coupled with engagement efforts, the Fund aims to maximise returns through investment primarily in fixed...

    DNB Global Lavkarbon

      Fund manager page HÃ¥llbarhets­profilen Morningstar Fund Profile International Norms Fossil fuel (>5%) Thermal Coal (>30%) Nuclear Weapons All Weapons (>5%) Tobacco Gambling (>5%) Pornography Alcohol (>5%)  

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