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Al Gore

COP29 Outcome: A Near Fiasco

Stockholm (NordSIP) – COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan followed the pattern set by previous such events in producing a final joint statement at the last...

EVs, Treacle, and FUD

The journey towards sustainability is like wading through treacle.  As Al Gore, António Guterres and Fatih Birol keep loudly reminding us, the world has...

COP28: Beware the Weasel Words

Dubai’s COP28 is a good time to play a game of Weasel Word Bingo.  As the 97,000 delegates and observers thrash out the various...

How to Spice Up Your ESG Event

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Koinrandorī, which is Laundromat in Japanese, has just returned from a trip to Tokyo to attend the annual PRI in Person...

The Magical Money Tree

Stockholm (NordSIP) – This week NordSIP spent some time perusing a new Stanford University study that highlights the huge barriers to entry faced by...

A Welcome Resignation

Funny word, resignation. One of its meanings is “the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable”. It certainly took time for the infamous president of...

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