Stockholm(NordSIP) - On Wednesday, June 12, NordicSIF held its annual conference in Oslo. NordicSIF provides a forum for Norsif, Dansif, Swesif, Finsif and IcelandSIF...
Recent academic research confirms the existence of a substantial and robust gender gap in self-promotion. Women systematically provide less favourable assessments of their own...
The launch of our ESG Integration Case book is accompanied by our analysis of the pandemic's consequences from a governance point of view. Two more COVID-19 issues, one by IBRD and EIB and a sydicated co-investment deal for Skaftåsen onshore wind project with the Foresight Group and Polhem Infra among others.
This article is part of NordSIP Insights - ESG Integration Case Book 2020. Read or Download the entire publication here.
by Ann Kristin Brautaset and...
Stockholm (NordSIP) –SRI-Connect, the online research network for sustainable investment and corporate governance, published its Independent Research in Responsible Investment (IRRI) 2019 survey results...