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Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute

Introducing Transition Linkers

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Ensuring their ability to smoothly navigate the energy transition is a priority for large global investors and policymakers. In a recent...

NordSIP’s Gustafsson Appointed AFII Chair

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII) announced the appointment of Aline Gustafsson as its new Board Chair today 17 September 2024. ...

AFII Casts Doubts Over Seven SLBs

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Sustainability-linked Bonds (SLBs) have been a vehicle for the growth of sustainable finance since Italian utilities giant first issued such bond...

SLB Handbook at the Rescue

Stockholm (NordSIP) - On the occasion of the publication of the ‘Sustainability-Linked Bond Handbook: A practitioner’s guide’ by the Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII), NordSIP...

Adani in Hot Water as it Seeks Green Bond Return

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Following a less than fortuitous 2023 that saw a rout on Adani stock after it was publicly shorted by Hindenburg Partners,...

Surprises and Personal Encounters

Tokyo (NordSIP) – We catch up with Ulf Erlandsson, CEO at Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute, after a couple of lively break-out sessions on the...

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