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Biodiversity Bauble

Hurray! Sustainable communication wizard Jakob Trollbäck and his colleagues at The New Division, the very same team that devised the legendary wheel of the...

Greenwasher of the Year 2023

Let us rewind almost exactly 12 months to the last Laundromat of 2022, in which I expressed a wish for greater accountability in the...

Post-COP28 Party in the Petrostates

Most of the 100,000 delegates and attendees at COP28 in Dubai were likely there for the right reasons, and will have worked extremely hard...

COP28 Update: Mixed Signals From Final Statement

Stockholm (NordSIP) – The 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) drew to a close on...

COP28 by Numbers

“The COP28 venue will be closed on Thursday, 7 December. No official meetings will take place, no services will be available, and no deliveries...

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