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Follow the Money

Trust, Disclaimers and Carbon Credits

In last week’s column about the PRI in Person, the Snap touched on the contrast between the American tendency to make hyperbolic statements against...

Sustainable Profit(eering)

The old magic mantra of ‘doing well by doing good’, allegedly coined by American founding father Benjamin Franklin, is still good as gold among...

Fossil Madness

According to the UN’s passionate and outspoken Secretary-General, António Guterres, “investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure is moral and economic madness.” Well, madmen (and...

Voluntary Carbon Markets Struggle to Weather Storm

Stockholm (NordSIP) – A storm began brewing this January in the Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) following the publication in the UK’s Guardian and Germany’s...

Offsetting Consequences

By any standard, the beginning of this year has been tough on carbon offsetters. First came the damning article in the Guardian, revealing the results...

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