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Frontier Markets

Mobius Praises ‘Benevolent Dictators’

Stockholm (NordSIP) - In a nod to asset owners' rising interests, sustainability concerns featured prominently in Skagen's 18th New Year Conference, with Tim Warrington,...

Folksam Sees Opportunity for ESG Engagement in Frontier Funds

Stockholm (Ekonamik) – “We find frontier markets interesting. They are perhaps more focused on domestic economy compared to EM funds, so they complement each...

Sustainable Emerging Market Fund Launch At East Capital

Stockhom (NordSIP) Today, East Capital announces the launch of East Capital Sustainable Emerging Markets. The fund's strategy is focused on investments in companies with sustainable...

Challenges and opportunities of sustainability in EM/FM

Stockholm (Nordsip) - Legal systems, rules and best practices related to corporate governance and sustainability in emerging and frontier markets are not yet fully...

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