
    Helena Lindahl

    Nordea Launches New Bond Tied to SLL Portfolio

    Sockholm (NordSIP) - Following the publication of a its new Sustainability-Linked Loan (SLL) Framework at the end of the second quarter of 2022, Nordea...

    NIB Issues Baltic Sea Blue Bond

    Stockholm (NordSIP) - In the wide range of environmental assets available to investors, Blue bonds are an often forgotten opportunity to contribute to the...

    Scaling up the Green trillions

    ESG matters are climbing the business agenda and investors are increasing their focus on companies that are seen as more sustainable, but is being...

    Green bonds: A financial instrument for long term change (Investment Europe)

    The green bonds market is a relatively small but fast growing segment of the credit market. Jonathan Boyd has talked to portfolio manager Helena...

    Swedes Support First Blue Bond

    Stockholm (NordSIP) - On August 30, the World Bank's International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, Aaa/AAA) issued a SEK 1 billion Sustainable Development Bond...

    SPP Green Bond Fund receives the highest rating from Morningstar (Press Release)

    Words will not stop climate change, but investing in climate-smart projects will. Now that we can showcase good results over time the barrier to...

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