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Scandinavian Pensions Support Plastic Waste Reduction Bond

Stockholm (NordSIP) – As the world continues to produce hundreds of millions of tons of plastic annually, the pollution they create and the lack...

Will 2021 Sustainable Bond Flows Reach US$1 Trillion?

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Despite challenging market conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was another record year in sustainable bond issuance, which reached US$547.6...

ESG Integration

The launch of our ESG Integration Case book is accompanied by our analysis of the pandemic's consequences from a governance point of view. Two more COVID-19 issues, one by IBRD and EIB and a sydicated co-investment deal for Skaftåsen onshore wind project with the Foresight Group and Polhem Infra among others.

IBRD Launches New SEK COVID19 Bond

Stockholm (NordSIP) - On April 16th, the IBRD issued a new three-year Sustainable Development Bond (SDB) denominated in Swedish krona. The SEK11.5 billion transaction...

Länsförsäkringar Triples Green Bond Holdings

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Länsförsäkringar announced that its investments in green and sustainable bonds tripled in 2019, from SEK3.2 billion at the start of 2019...

Nordic Investors Rush to Tap of SDG Bond

Stockholm (NordSIP) - The World Bank's International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) conducted a NOK500 million tap of its Sustainable Development Bond bond...

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