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Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Coveted Green Swan Raises the Bar

Stockholm (NordSIP) – It just got tougher for Nordic funds to gain the desirable Swan Ecolabel. On 15 January, Nordic Ecolabelling announced that they...

Opportunities Galore

Heidi Berg, independent impact investment and ESG consultant based in Shanghai reports on the tremendous opportunities for sustainable investments in China. Supported by AP1, LGIM launched L&G Emerging Market Equity Future Core Fund. Carnegie Fonder hired Anna Strömberg as head of sustainability, and as manager of the Tillväxt Sverige fund, Sweden’s first Nordic Swan Eco-labelled fund.

Ålandsbanken Global Aktie Receives Nordic Ecolabel

Stockholm (NordSIP) - On October 1st, Ålandsbanken announced its Global Aktie equity fund had been awarded the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The certification of the...

Bonava Launches Inaugural SEK Green Bond

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Real estate companies are some of the leading corporates issuing green bonds in Swedish Krona. Issuers such as Vasakronan and SBAB...

Insights – Choosing a Label That Sticks

When ESG and SRI can take several directions depending on an investor’s priorities, adopting a standard, receiving a rating or fitting into a label’s...

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