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Pelle Pedersen

ESG at All-time-high

Topdanmark announced the hiring of Andreas Stang as ESG investment manager. NordSIP caught up with Pelle Pedersen, Chief Impact & Growth Officer at DoLand, Schroders published its latest Climate Progress Dashboard update.

DoLand Puts Sustainable Investing on Denmark’s Retail Radar

Stockholm (NordSIP) - With the rising momentum of ethical investing across the globe and particularly in Europe, capturing and galvanising the attention of retail...

Pelle Pedersen Sets Off on Impact Quest

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Pelle Pedersen (Pictured left), Head of Responsible Investment at Danish pension manager PKA and one of the youngest yet most vocal...

The Week in Green (April 5th edition)

Killing Sustainability Myths This week NordSIP sat down with Pelle Pedersen, Head of Responsible Investment at PKA, one of Denmark’s largest occupational pension managers. Pedersen,...

From Denmark to Africa and Back

Stockholm (NordSIP) - As we look for best practices within the sustainability teams of some of the most influential pension funds in the Nordics,...

Trump Delays Paris Decision Following Investor G7 Appeal

Stockholm (NordSIP) - The administration of U.S. president Donald Trump has delayed a much-anticipated decision on whether to withdraw from the 2015 Paris accord,...

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