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PRI in Person

Asking difficult questions in person

My wish for inspiration has been fulfilled by the conference. From biodiversity to AI, we’ve covered most of the innovative topics within sustainability. I’m...

Japan Announces Details of Transition Bond

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Following an initial announcement by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the PRI in Person conference that took place in Tokyo in...

Rising Sun, Hidden Stories

The elated mood from my recent expedition to PRI-land-Japan is fading as rapidly as the milder effects of a westward jet lag1. I reckon...

How to Spice Up Your ESG Event

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Koinrandorī, which is Laundromat in Japanese, has just returned from a trip to Tokyo to attend the annual PRI in Person...

Tokyo Brief

And it’s a wrap. The annual gathering of the global sustainable investing elite, PRI in Person, is over for this time, and the delegates...

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