Principal Adverse Impact (PAI)

CDP Warns of Nature Reporting Gaps

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Corporate disclosures on nature-related risks remain insufficient and the little data that is reported highlights potentially damaging exposures.  This is the...

Transparent Nordic ESG Data for All

Stockholm (NordSIP) – Access to high-quality ESG data is often quoted by responsible investors as one of their biggest challenges. Sourcing, cleaning, and validating...

EU Platform Publishes Compendium of Market Practices

Stockholm (NordSIP) - At the end of January, the EU's Platform on Sustainable Finance published a compendium of market practices regarding the use of...

Feedback Galore to ESAs Consultation on SFDR

Stockholm (NordSIP) – 4 July marked the deadline to respond to the SFDR consultation regarding principle adverse impact (PAI) and financial product disclosures launched...

Rallying the Troops

It is getting hot out there! And I don’t mean just the unseasonably high temperatures courtesy of global warming aided by El Niño. The...

EU Regulators Propose Amendments to SFDR

Stockholm (NordSIP) - About a year ago, the European Commission tasked the three European Supervisory Authorities - The European Banking Authority (EBA), The European...

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