

    Nordic Investors Reiterate Support for Climate Action 100+

    Stockholm (NordSIP) - The first quarter of 2024 was marked by a number of prominent departures by US investors from Climate Action 100+, including...

    PFA Jettisons Shell

    Stockholm (NordSIP) – Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund has finally run out of patience with oil giant Shell.  Having previously defended its engagement-based strategy...

    Nordics Sway Shell to Disclose Climate Lobbying

    Stockholm (NordSIP) – It is not only discouraging news coming from Shell’s headquarters these days. Last week, NordSIP picked up the story about the...

    Danish Pensions Focus on Tax Transparency

    Stockholm (NordSIP) - Four pension funds run by Sampension - Sampension Liv, Arkitekternes Pensionskasse, Pensionskassen for Jordbrugsakademikere & Dyrlæger and ISP Pension - united...

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