
    Sovereign bonds

    ESAs Issue Recommendations for SFDR Disclosures

    Stockholm (NordSIP) -The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) have published their Final Report with the draft Regulatory Technical Standards...

    About Machiavelli, Double Edged Swords and Virtuous Cycles

    Many investors believe that ESG is only relevant in the analysis of corporations. Templeton Global Macro, who manage Templeton Global Bond Fund*, think differently....

    NordSIP Insights – Sustainable Fixed Income

    In this new edition of NordSIP insights, we focus on sustainable fixed incomes strategies. Many investors complain that ESG is not being integrated in...

    The Next Frontier in Footprinting: Carbon Accounting for Sovereign Bonds (S&P 500 & DJIA)

    Sovereign bonds remain largely unanalyzed by investors from a carbon risk and reporting perspective. This is despite clear acknowledgement in the Paris Agreement that...

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