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Stefan Ericson

Greenium, Real Estate and Duration Dominate Nordic Article 9 FI Funds in Q2

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Having previously considered the performance of international (non-Nordic-based) fixed income funds classified as Article 9 under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation...

Which Article 9 Nordic Bond Fund Came on Top in Q1?

Stockholm (NordSIP) - Facing rising interest rates, persistent inflation and fears of an expanding banking crisis in the USA, portfolio managers (PMs) of fixed-income...

Insights – Choosing a Label That Sticks

When ESG and SRI can take several directions depending on an investor’s priorities, adopting a standard, receiving a rating or fitting into a label’s...

First Bond Fund to Receive Swan Label in Sweden

Stockholm (NordSIP) - On September 26, Pareto Asset Management obtained the Swan Ecolabel for its Global Corporate Bond fund. To qualify for the Swan...

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